Am inceput sa ma uit la el asa din intamplare, apoi am inceput pur si simplu sa-l ador. Personajele mele preferate sunt clar Katherine si Damon si-mi plac si ca si cuplu, eu una sper sa ramana impreuna <3. Ma enerveaza faptul ca a murit Anna, mi se parea asa perfecta pentru Jeremy si erau un cuplu asa dragut :(. Si de Jenna mi-a parut foarte rau. Pe Elena o detest, mi se pare asa batuta in cap, sper sa moara :|. Desi sper degeaba :-j. Abia astept sa apara noul sezoon @-)
Si vai, unele replici le stiu pe derost, am o memorie buna
iata cateva din preferatele mele (atentie: spoiler!):
Stefan: Now please dance with your alchoolic vampire boyfriend!
Katherine: Come on, Damon! Don't you think after plan A follows plan B, and C, and D and you know how alfabet works. Please send my love to Stefan.
Caroline: How can you be a wirewolf?!
Tyler: How cand you be a vampire??
Katherine: So here we are, all togheter, the brother who love me too much and the brother who didn't love me enough.
Damon: Yes. And the slut evil vampire who only love herself!
Katherine: What happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite.
Damon: Oooh, that Damon died long time ago.
Katherine: Good. He was boring!
Katherine: Trust me, Damon when I'm up to something you'll know it. Come on! Kiss me... or kill. Witch it will be, Damon ? We both know that you're only capable of one. My sweet, innocente Damon!
Katherine: Tik tok, Stefan! The moon stoon...
Klaus: Zdravei, Katerina!
Katherine: Multo bene!
si mai sunt o gramada, dar mi-e lene.
) scuze, nu m-am putut abtine :-"